February 6, 2025
The Pursuit: “How’s It Going?”
Happy Thursday! This month, I’m covering why it’s critical for organizational leaders to think strategically about super-casual conversation that happens every day. Here’s what you need to know in under 2 minutes…
What tech leaders should be thinking about this week: Setting yourself apart when answering the critical question: “How’s it going?” This question is asked a million times a day, most likely at the water cooler or in the seconds before a Teams/Zoom/1:1 meeting. I’m sure you’re asking this of your team members too. Think about how you would typically answer … probably “Great!” or “Busy!”. Research has shown that leaders who highlight a specific work win and/or showcase ways they are setting a high bar + building a supportive culture are much more effective in their roles.
Why this is important: Tech organizations want leaders who are both inspirational and impactful. Answering “Great” or “Busy” shuts-down the inquiry and doesn’t allow you to quickly demonstrate inspiration or impact. It’s also super, super boring. There’s a huge opportunity for you to set yourself apart when you’re a little more prepared for this pre-Teams/Zoom/1:1 question – these interactions add-up over time and can serve as a constant reminder of your greatness. It will also help you feel more engaged in your work as a leader – guaranteed!
Simple “Go-Do’s” for tech leaders/performers: As you’re brushing your teeth each workday morning, take a few moments to think about:
- What meetings do I have today that might require me to be thoughtful about how I answer, “How’s it going?” Anyone that I really need to impress today?
- How can I position myself as a leader who holds a high bar and drives culture in my response? Where do I want to focus?
- Who do I know that does this well in my organization? Is there an opportunity to build a stronger partnership with this person to learn + grow my network?
Value Add – Additional ways to show-up as a leader: Since we know the typical answer to “How’s it going” can often lead to boring answers, why not think about a different question to ask YOUR folks at the water cooler or prior to a Team/Zoom/1:1? Again, huge chance for you to set yourself apart as a leader and get to know your team in a more meaningful way. Questions to consider:
- What’s on tap for you this coming weekend?
- Where are your priorities this week?
- How can I help today?
Know someone who’s looking for quick/easy ways to show-up better as a tech leader/performer? Forward them this mail or sign them up at the bottom of the Engaged Pursuit homepage.
Here’s to your Engaged Pursuit!

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