February 13, 2025

The Pursuit: More (Casual) Feedback

Happy Thursday! This month, I’m covering why it’s critical for organizational leaders to think strategically about super-casual conversations that happen every day. Here’s what you need to know in under 2 minutes…

What tech leaders should be thinking about this week: Giving feedback way more casually. With mid- or end-of-year performance reviews happening across tech, leaders are laser focused on actionable feedback for their teams. Instead of pulling-out the competency or leadership principal playbooks, direct reports would be better served by more casual (human!) language when evaluating their performance. While tying the “what” and the “how” back to organizational goals or values is important, connecting back without jargon or corporate-speak will land better and inspire change more effectively. 

Why this is important: Good leaders are constantly looking for ways to deliver organizational impact and create a sense of inspiration. Tech professionals are craving easy and actionable answers to “How can I improve?” and “What will lead to greater responsibilities (promotion)?” Managers who speak more authentically and deliver easy-to-implement recommendations will get that impact and instill that inspiration faster. It will also free the manager from turning into a corporate robot during super-important performance conversations (I’ve been there!). 

Simple “Go-Do’s” for tech leaders/performers: Prior to going into your next mid- or end-of-year review meeting, take 5 minutes and ask yourself:

  • What are the 2-3 take-aways from this conversation that are most important for my direct report? Are these crystal-clear?
  • How can I simplify my language to ensure my message is landing clearly and effectively?
    • X-Group Collaboration = Availability and project management
    • Strategic Thinking = Being proactive and having a plan
    • Executive Presence = Confidence and easy/actionable communication
  • Where do I feel like I’m delivering more robotically? What can I change to feel more confident in how I’m talking to this individual?

Value Add – Additional ways to show-up as a leader: With President’s Day coming-up next Monday, this is another perfect opportunity to demonstrate that you take balance seriously. If you’re able (and willing), turn off your work screens until Tuesday morning and think about asking your folks the following:

  • What was most fun about your weekend?
  • Where can I help this upcoming short week?
  • OMG, what did you think of the White Lotus Season 3 premiere on Sunday?

Know someone who’s looking for quick/easy ways to show-up better as a tech leader/performer? Forward them this mail or sign them up at the bottom of the Engaged Pursuit homepage.

Here’s to your Engaged Pursuit!

Tom Perry's Signature

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The Engaged Pursuit Podcast

In our weekly podcast, Engaged Pursuit Founder Tom Perry highlights the most pressing issues for employees and managers across the tech sector. With his real-world, relatable style, Tom delivers quick, insightful, employee-centered career content to help tech pros, executives and teams address the issues common to a career in tech -- from job changes and workplace challenges, to bad bosses and feeling “stuck.” Available on Apple and Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast.

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