January 23, 2025

The Pursuit: Values-First Performance

Happy Thursday! Here’s what you need to know in under 2 minutes…

What tech leaders should be thinking about this week: (Re)Defining your values as a leader. High-performance culture comes from setting a high-bar and demonstrating devotion to your organization. One way to authentically support your team is by showcasing the values that drive your thinking, decisions, and feedback. Teams crave leaders who are super-clear in how they tick and will go the extra mile when values align (the opposite is also true – individuals will leave quickly when values clash). Does your team know your top 3 values (and do you know the top 3 values of your direct reports)?

Why this is important: January is when we’re all re-evaluating our personal and professional experience. Especially this year (and since Monday), we have the opportunity to ground ourselves in what’s most important to how we live and how we work. Now is the perfect opportunity to know what values your organization holds AND share with your team the values most important to you. These values could include (or not include) diverse/inclusive thinking, health/wellness, authenticity, and even the truth. 

Simple “Go-Do’s” for tech leaders/performers: Take 15 minutes and answer the following questions to ensure you’re using values to set a high-bar and support your team:

  • What are my top 3 values, and how can I ensure my org knows what drives my thinking? Check-out this list of values from Brené Brown if you need inspiration.
  • Why are these values so important to me and when is the best opportunity to demonstrate these values as an organizational leader?
  • What do my direct reports value and/or my broader organizational values? How do these answers affect how I lead? 

Value Add – Additional ways to show-up as a leader: Now that we’re in mid-January, this is the perfect time to do a “temperature check” with individuals across your team. In my corporate days, I used to love this quick/easy method to show devotion to my team (and get the inside scoop on what’s really going on across the org). Here’s how:

  • During your next 1:1, ask your folks “On a scale of 1 (not great) to 10 (amazing), how are you doing so far this year?” Have them define their number and give some reasons for their current temperature.
  • Ask “What can you do to bring this number up a couple degrees?” Get 1-2 tangible “go-dos” (and timing) around a better experience
  • Ask “Where can I show-up more effectively as a leader to create a better experience?”
  • Consider checking-in this way monthly to ensure your team is performing at their best (and feeling good about it).

Know someone who’s looking for quick/easy ways to show-up better as a tech leader/performer? Forward them this mail or sign them up at the bottom of the Engaged Pursuit homepage.

Here’s to your Engaged Pursuit!

Tom Perry's Signature

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In our weekly podcast, Engaged Pursuit Founder Tom Perry highlights the most pressing issues for employees and managers across the tech sector. With his real-world, relatable style, Tom delivers quick, insightful, employee-centered career content to help tech pros, executives and teams address the issues common to a career in tech -- from job changes and workplace challenges, to bad bosses and feeling “stuck.” Available on Apple and Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast.

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